The Glorious Purushottam Month


1. Meaning of Purushottam
2. History of Purushottam Month
3. How to observe this month
4. Special role of Vrnda devi and Yogmaya
5. Some rules and regulations
6. The Proper mood of service



In chapter fifteen of Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna describes three types of personalities: ksarah, aksarah and purusottama.

1. KSARAH = Ksarah means fallible, and it refers to those living entities who have forgotten Krsna. By constitution, all living entities are the eternal servants of Krsna. Those living entities who are bereft of the knowledge of their own spiritual identity and nature, and whose nature is now hidden by the material energy, are called ksarah-purusa. They are called fallible living entities or conditioned souls.

2. AKSARAH = There is another type of living entity and Lord Krsna calls them aksarah, infallible. They are the liberated souls. They are fully aware of their identity as His eternal servants.

3. PURUSHOTTAM = After describing the ksarah-purusa and aksarah-purusa, Krsna explains that above both categories of souls is the Supermost Personality. He is superior to all the living beings and is therefore called Purusottama, the Supreme Person. Sri Krsna says, “I am that Purusottama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”


Previously this month was known as mala-masa. Mala means unclean, contaminated and suitable for being rejected. This was considered the “rejectable” month, because about it sastra says: “You should not perform any ritualistic activities, such as getting married or receiving sacred thread according to the principles of varnasrama-dharma.” All of these materially auspicious activities are stopped during this month. No one is permitted to perform any of them, and so this month was known as Mala-masa, the contaminated month.

The personification of this month approached Sri Krsna and said to Him: “Oh my Lord, all despise me and condemn me in this world, because they cannot perform any auspicious fruitive activities in my presence. I take complete shelter of You and surrender to you. What should I do?”

Krsna explains in the Gita:

sarva dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
moksayisyami ma sucah

“Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.” (BG 18.66)

Give up all types of material religiosity and surrender to Me unconditionally. I will take away all reactions to your sinful activities; do not fear. Lord Krsna replied to Mala-masa, “I will take away all your contamination, because you are surrendered unto Me. I myself will become the predominating deity of this month. From now on the people will not call you Mala-masa. Instead they will call you Purusottama-masa. During this month they will observe Purusottama-vrata, the very auspicious activities of devotional service in Purusottama-ksetra.”


This is Purusottama Month. Krsna is Purusottama, the Supreme Person, and therefore this month is actually Krsna’s month. Among all the incarnations, Krsna Himself is Purusottama. Therefore, this month is also supreme among all months, as is the month of Kartika.

This month should be observed by following the rules and regulations one follows during Kartika month. Srimati Radhika is the predominating deity in the month of Kartik, and Krsna is the predominating deity of Purusottama-masa.

Try to wake up very early in the morning, put on tilaka, and perform all sandhya practices (spiritual duties of early morning, noon, and early evening; particularly early morning). If the diksa-mantras have been given to you, then this should be done with all faith and honor. Wherever you are, offer some water to Tulasi, even one or two drops, and do tulasi-parikrama and kirtana daily.


Without the mercy of Tulasi, Vrnda-devi, you cannot enter the realm of pure bhakti. This is true for both Vrnda-devi and Yogamaya. Yogamaya arranges all the pastimes of Krsna, Mahaprabhu and so on. In Navadvipa she is “Prauddha Yogamaya”, and in Vraja, “Yogamaya Purnamasi”.

The Lord’s amorous pastimes in the secluded groves of Vrndavana are especially arranged by Srimati Vrnda-devi. In fact, Vrndavana is named after her. Without the mercy of Vrnda-devi, you cannot enter the realm of service to Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, neither can you enter Vrndavana. Even if you are outwardly in Vrndavana, you may still be in the net of maya. If you want to actually be in Vrndavana, you will have to receive the mercy of Vrnda-devi. Therefore perform parikrama to her form as Tulasi, at least in this month.


One should not perform any material pious activities (subha-karma) in this month. Instead of being derailed into material activities, one should become one-pointed and do one-pointed vows – for the happiness of Krsna. Only perform service to Hari-Guru and Vaisnavas, chant harinama and stay near Purusottama-deva.

For those who observe this vow, it is certain that all their desires will be fulfilled. All so-called auspicious activities of this world, such as performing duties within varnasrama-dharma and getting married, will have no value if one does not perform bhajana and if Lord Krsna is not pleased.

Fasting from eggplant, tomatoes, loki, parmal, urad dhal, honey, sesame seeds, mustard seeds and mustard oil for 1 month.
In other words, the prohibited foods are the same for Kartik month and Purusottama month.


You should not ‘take’ maha-prasada, and you should not ‘eat’ maha-prasada. You should try to serve it. You should not ‘chant’ harinama; you should serve harinama. You should not ‘hear’ hari-katha, but you should serve hari-katha with your ears.
Never go to ‘see’ the Deities. Instead you should think, “I’m going before the Deity so that He may see me.” You cannot see the Deities, but you can pray, “Oh, please see me. Please give me Your mercy. I cannot see You. With these eyes I see You as a statue made of stone, gold, copper or brass.” Therefore, try to follow these rules and regulations so that this month will be successful.


Srila Bhaktivedant Narayan Gosvami Maharaj’s Lecture
Badger, California, USA
May 17, 1999

Srila Bhaktivedant Narayana Gosvami Maharaj’s Lecture
Jagannatha Puri, India
August 4, 2004

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